Thursday, May 7, 2015

TBT: Light-Hearted Lovecraftian Lyrics

I'm trying to make Thursday my regular day to post here each week, and will do my best to keep to that schedule. However, this month is already a hectic one, and shows no signs of becoming otherwise. My wife is changing jobs later this month, so we've been scrambling to set up her new office space at home before then. The kids are out of school at the end of May, so we've had to plan out their summer in time to get them into camp during the weeks that they aren't off visiting grandparents. I already posted earlier this week (for May the Fourth), so today's post is going to be a simple, little Throwback Thursday column.

Besides being a LEGOmaniac and gamer, I've also been interested in art and writing for as long as I can remember. So naturally, my bachelor's degree is in Studio Art with a minor in English. Most of my work at Denison (and since then) was drawing and painting, with a bit of photography and sculpture. I have an account at deviantArt, where I've posted photos of my artwork spanning from high school to college to the two decades since then. That gallery also includes a small selection of poetry, both serious and silly. I've decided to share a couple of the latter with you here.

Cthulhu Bunny Foofoo

Cthulhu Bunny Foofoo
Hopping through sunken R'lyeh,
Scooping up the Deep Ones and bopping 'em on the head.

Down came Nyarlathotep and he said:
"Cthulhu Bunny Foofoo,
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the Deep Ones and bopping 'em on the head.
I'll give three chances 
And then I'll feed you to Azathoth."

The progression of the the remaining verses should be obvious. This is my contribution to a series of alternate lyrics to Little Bunny Foofoo that my group of friends created and passed around back in the late '90s.

And also from that period comes this descent into madness:

Cthulhu Fhtagn

Cthulhu fhtagn:
Unpronounceable phrase!
Cthulhu fhtagn:
Say it anyways!

It means he's dreamin' 
Down in wat'ry R'lyeh.
It's the Mad Ay-rab's dread prophecy:
Cthulhu fhtagn.

Let's hear from Captain Johansen:
   I'm Captain Gustaf Johan-sennn!
Very nice.
he ran his ship aground on a slimy island.
He found non-Euclidean streets on every hand.
   I've a delicate mind, though I seem quite stout.
   And it hurt when my friends never came back out.
   And oh, the slime
(A nasty climb!)
   Oozing up all the time
(Oh, will he have time?)
   To escape this morass
(What did you do?)
   Sailed right through his--
Captain! Not in front of the squids!

Cthulhu fhtagn:
Unpronounceable phrase!
Cthulhu fhtagn:
Say it anyways!
It means he's dreamin' 
Down in wat'ry R'lyeh.
It's the Mad Ay-rab's 
dread prophecy:
Cthulhu fhtagn.

Cthulhu fhtagn.

It means he's dreamin' 
Down in wat'ry R'lyeh.
It's the Mad Ay-rab's dread prophecy:
Cthulhu fhtagn.

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